TOSCA - Topical Overview on Star Cluster Astrophysics

Siena, Santa Chiara Lab

Siena, Santa Chiara Lab

Via Val di Montone, 1, 53100 Siena SI
Giovanni Morlino (Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica (INAF)), Stefano Menchiari (INAF - Osservatorio Astrofisico di Arcetri), Giada Peron (Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica (INAF)), Gaia Verna (Università di Siena - INFN PIsa)

The Topical Overview on Star Cluster Astrophysics (TOSCA) workshop aims at creating a common environment for different astrophysical communities to have a joint and comprehensive discussion on the physics of star clusters

Star Clusters are among the most studied celestial objects. They are the fundamental building blocks of galaxies and represent crucial laboratories for understanding a wide range of astrophysical problems. 

In recent times, star clusters have been proposed as cosmic ray factories, as suggested by the detection of some of the youngest and most massive star clusters in the high- and very high-energy gamma-ray band. However, we still lack of a comprehensive understanding of particle acceleration and propagation in those objects. While the acceleration is probably driven by the power injected through stellar winds and supernova explosions, the particle propagation is affected by stellar feedback which shapes the surrounding medium. The presence of freshly accelerated particles provides a new component that may modify the way stellar cluster feedback onto the interstellar medium.

Scientific topics will include:

  • Gamma-ray observations
  • Particle acceleration and propagation
  • Stellar feedback
  • Stellar wind physics
  • Population properties

This event has received fundings from INAF minigrant 2024 initiative entitled "Probing Young Massive Stellar Cluster as Cosmic Ray Factories" (P.I. S. Menchiari) and further INAF financial support from the yearly call for fundings for school and congress organization.

IMPORTANT: The registration is restricted to invited/accepted contributors. If you want to submit an abstract for evaluation is not necessary to register, but you need to have an indico account. Please create one for the abstract submission. 


  • Ahmad Ali
  • Alexandre INVENTAR
  • Alexis Quintana Isasi
  • Alison Mitchell
  • Andreas Sander
  • Angela Adamo
  • Anna Mcleod
  • Anna Rosen
  • Ava Webber
  • Ben Li
  • Brandt Gaches
  • Christopher Matzner
  • Cormac Larkin
  • David Smith
  • Elena Amato
  • Elena Sabbi
  • Gaia Verna
  • Gautham Narayana Sabhahit
  • Giacomo Bonnoli
  • Giovanni Morlino
  • Javier Méndez-Gallego
  • Jesús Maíz Apellániz
  • Jon Sundqvist
  • Jonathan Mackey
  • Jorick VInk
  • Julian Pittard
  • Lachlan Lancaster
  • Lars Mohrmann
  • Loren Anderson
  • Luigi Tibaldo
  • Marco Limongi
  • Mario Giuseppe Guarcello
  • Niccolo' Bucciantini
  • Nikos Prantzos
  • Paarmita Pandey
  • Pasquale Blasi
  • Philipp Girichidis
  • Pietro Facchini
  • Sally Oey
  • Sara R. Berlanas
  • Sarah Recchia
  • Satyendra Thoudam
  • Stan Owocki
  • Stefano Gabici
  • Stefano Menchiari
  • Thibault Vieu
  • +11