Oct 14 – 18, 2019
T-Hotel Cagliari
Europe/Rome timezone

ALMA 2019 Conference.

The Atacama Large Millimeter/Submillimeter Array (ALMA) is the world’s most sensitive facility for millimeter/submillimeter astronomical observations, and will soon be fully operational in all of the originally planned bands.  Since its first observations, ALMA has routinely delivered groundbreaking scientific results that span nearly all areas of astrophysics.

Following conferencences in Puerto Varas (Chile, 2012), Tokyo (Japan, 2014), and Indian Wells (USA, 2016), the ALMA partnership is organizing the ALMA Science Conference in Cagliari (Sardinia, Italy) on Oct 14-18, 2019.

At the conference we expect to discuss the full breadth of ALMA science, with special emphasis on results from the first rounds of ALMA Large Programmes, the long baselines and high frequency capabilities, the new Solar and VLBI modes,  as well as the synergy between ALMA and other observatories.

As in previous editions of the conference series, we expect to discuss the scientific priorities for the implementation of the ALMA Development Roadmap.

 You can download different Conference posters: Alma2019Poster1, Alma2019Poster2,  Alma2019Poster3Alma2019Poster4                                   


For scientific organization questions, please contact: alma19soc@eso.org

For local organization questions, please contact: almacagliariloc2019@eso.org 


This event has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 730562 [RadioNet]



T-Hotel Cagliari
Via Dei Giudicati, 66 | 09131 Cagliari | Sardinia, Italy