Oct 14 – 18, 2019
T-Hotel Cagliari
Europe/Rome timezone

Instructions for speakers




Here you can find some information regarding you talk spot:

  • Each talk has been allocated (12+3) minutes  (contributed talk) or (22+3) minutes (Invited talk).
  • Talks will be uploaded to a Google Drive folder. You will shortly receive the link to upload your talk and this link can also be used to upload updated versions of your talk. While you can upload your talk at any time, we reccommend not to leave it to the last minute. In case of problems, we will provide an alternative method to upload your talk.
  • The presentation must be a single powerpoint, keynote or PDF file. 
  • A conference laptop will be provided for your presentation. The use of a personal laptop is not allowed. 
  • You can check compatibility of your talk during coffe and lunch breaks. Please ask to registration desk. 
  • Please ensure your presentation, the formatting and any animations work in the break prior to your session.
  • A lanyard microphone and laser pointer will provided for all speakers. 

Additional  instructions:

Since we planning to make presentation slides and posters available through Zenodo (check the Zenodo web page for this conference), please name your file following this format:    ALMACagliari_Talk_LastName.pdf  (e.g. ALMACagliari_Talk_Casu.pdf)