- Marco Bersanelli (UNIMI)
- Felix Aharonian (DIAS and MPIK)
- Felix Aharonian (DIAS and MPIK)
- Elisabete de Gouveia Dal Pino
- Elisabete de Gouveia Dal Pino
Plenary: Special session to celebrate Beppo Occhialini and Nanni Bignami
- Roberto Ragazzoni (Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica (INAF))
- Zhen Cao (IHEP)
- Markus Boettcher (North-West University)
- Massimo Cappi (Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica (INAF))
Nowadays, we are witnessing spectacular discoveries of ultra-high energy (E > 100 TeV) gamma-ray sources in the Milky Way, revealing the sites of PeVatrons - Cosmic Ray Factories accelerating protons and electrons to energies of 1 PeV and higher. These perfectly designed by nature particle accelerators represent at least three galactic source populations - pulsars, microquasars, and stellar...
Observations at gamma-ray energies over the last ten to fifteen years have revolutionized the study of rotation-powered pulsars. The Fermi Gamma-Ray Space Telescope has now discovered over 300 gamma-ray pulsars at energies above 100 MeV, over half not previously known at other wavelengths. Pulsars were detected for the first time in very-high-energy gamma rays by MAGIC, VERITAS and H.E.S.S....
LHAASO keeps operating with high duty cycle and providing unique observations in gamma-ray sources and diffuse charged cosmic rays. Gamma-rays from the BOAT GRB, blazars, near-by AGNs and PeVatrons in our own galaxy are well detected. Physics associated with EBL, new physics searches, radiation mechanism of various sources are discussed. Particle acceleration in the galactic sources and...
The High-Altitude Water Cherenkov (HAWC) Observatory in Puebla, Mexico, is a wide field of view (FoV) gamma-ray survey instrument. It effectively covers nearly two-thirds of the entire sky, spanning declinations from $-31^{\circ}$ to $+69^{\circ}$. HAWC’s wide FoV and high-duty cycle offer advantages for the continuous observation of astrophysical objects such as like pulsar wind nebulae...
The array of four Large-Sized Telescopes is under construction at La Palma, Spain, under the framework of the Cherenkov Telescope Array Observatory. It will be completed by the end of 2025. The LST consists of a 23m diameter primary reflector with 198 high precision segmented mirrors, a high-resolution camera comprising 1855 channel high Q.E. PMTs and GHz sampling fast readout electronics, and...
The instrumentation for gamma-ray astronomy has advanced tremendously during the last two decades. The study of the most violent environments in the Universe has opened a new window to understand the frontier of physics, exploring processes that are beyond the capabilities of Earth-based laboratories to replicate. One of the instruments at the forefront of ground-based gamma-ray astronomy is...
VERITAS is one of the world’s most sensitive detectors of astrophysical very high energy (E> 100 GeV) gamma rays. The array is located in southern Arizona, USA and is made up of four 12-m imaging atmospheric Cherenkov telescopes (IACTs). With nearly 20 years of operation since the first telescope’s installation was complete, the instrument has been able to study Galactic sources such as...
Firmamento is a new-concept platform dedicated to multi-messenger astrophysics that combines imaging, spectral, and time-domain data with specific algorithms, machine learning tools, and AI. Firmamento can identify counterparts within the uncertainty regions of sources detected by instruments with non-negligible localization areas, including X-ray, gamma-ray, and astrophysical neutrinos....
Below the geographic South Pole, the IceCube project has transformed one cubic kilometer of natural Antarctic ice into a neutrino detector. IceCube detects more than 100,000 neutrinos per year in the GeV to 10 PeV energy range. Among those, we have isolated a flux of high-energy neutrinos originating beyond our Galaxy, with an energy flux that is comparable to that of the extragalactic...
The study of GRBs at gamma-ray energies has been recently boosted by the detection of a handful of events at energies above 100 GeV. These observations are revealing the existence of a surprisingly bright TeV component present at least in some of the most energetics GRBs during their afterglow phase.
I this talk I will review the observations and the theoretical interpretations put forward,...
In this talk I will provide highlights on the current status of the field of gravitational waves and their connection with high-energy transient phenomena, through the lens of multi-messenger astrophysics.
After briefly reviewing the astrophysical and cosmological relevance of the diffuse extragalactic background light in the infrared and the impossibility to measure it with current instrumentation, I will discuss the possibility to constrain it effectively from measurements of the photon-photon opacity in the direction of local VHE gamma-ray sources.
An important aspect of this project is the...
At first glance, the question of what the universe is made of may seem unrelated to astroparticle physics. It is in fact optical and microwave observations that have revealed that the energy balance of the universe is dominated by the density of dark energy (70%) and dark matter (25%). The nature of these two entities is elusive to this day. The remaining 5% is sometimes erroneously excluded...
Space-based gamma-ray telescopes provide insight into energetic astrophysical processes from 100s of keV to 100s of GeV. A rich array of instruments in flight are gathering observations of outbursts from black holes, neutron stars, binary systems and other dynamic environments and mapping the traces of extreme activity in the past. I will talk about ways that space-based observations have...
The field of ground-based gamma-ray astronomy is flourishing, with the current generation of instruments providing a rich and complex picture of non-thermal astrophysics in the TeV-PeV domain. At the same time a new generation of instruments is planned or already in construction, promising a fundamental step forward in our understanding of many astrophysical systems as well as deep searches...
A central team in Europe for the development of high-energy astronomy was the group in Milan that had formed around Bruno Rossi, Giuseppe (Beppo) Occhialini, and since 1966 Giovanni (Nanni) Bignami. They were in contact with groups with similar research interests in Great Britain, France, Germany, and the Netherlands and established a collaboration, named the CARAVANE collaboration, to build...
I had the privilege to work with Prof. Giovanni Fabrizio Bignami (he was ‘Nanni' for me, and I was 'a Piè' for him) since the end of the 70’s on several space programs, and scientific endeavours, as well dealing with personal life’s challenges. In particular, our first contact happened during the proposal phase of the high energy Gamma-ray camera to be selected aboard the newly approved NASA...
In the last 20 years, very-high energy gamma rays have been detected in different types of binary systems, including gamma-ray binaries, X-ray binaries, colliding-wind binaries and novae. Owing to the nature of the two components in these binaries, different scenarios have been considered for particle acceleration, gamma-ray emission and absorption processes. In this talk I will review our...
New instruments in gamma-ray astronomy like Fermi and the next generation IACTs have boosted our understanding of the high-energy Universe and its non-thermal processes. In fact, with the improved spatial and temporal resolutions together with real-time multimessenger astronomy, the instruments now provide us with information that cannot be modeled with the simplifying 1D approaches of...
The High Energy Stereoscopic System HESS continues to operate with very
high efficiency and a high rate of five-telescope stereoscopic data taken
every year. The facility is mature and operates in a stable instrumental
configuration. This allows for extensive observations of homogeneous data
quality - either in deep observations or homogeneous surveys and
facilitates high up-time as...
The Pierre Auger Observatory is the largest detector in the world for ultra-high-energy cosmic rays. After 20 years of operation, many important results about the most energetic particles in the universe have been obtained. For example, the observation of a dipole in the distribution of the cosmic rays above $8\times10^{18}$ eV pointing away from the Galactic Center, indicates an extragalactic...
SWGO is an international proposal for the construction of a wide-field observatory to explore the Southern Hemisphere sky in the energy range from a few hundred GeV to the PeV. It aims to open a new observational window in astronomy by being the first wide-field ground-based gamma-ray instrument to survey the austral sky in the very- to ultra-high-energy range, where observational coverage is...
ASTRI is an INAF (Italian National Institute for Astrophysics) project for the construction and operation of an array of innovative IACT telescopes for ground-based gamma-ray astronomy in the energy range ~1 TeV to ~200 TeV.
Such an array, called ASTRI Mini-Array, currently under construction at the Teide Observatory in Tenerife, Spain, consists of nine telescopes of small size (~4m...
LHAASO has found more than 40 UHE cosmic accelerators within the Milky Way, with the highest energy photon reaching 1.4 quadrillion electron-volts, the highest energy photon ever observed. Most of these sources are extended sources that require telescopes with higher angular resolution and sensitivity to observe and study their morphology. Therefore, we propose a new project: Large Array of...
I will summarize and comment on key results in the galactic science reported during the meeting."
I will summarize and comment on key results in the extragalactic context reported during the meeting.