2–6 Sept 2024
Università di Milano "La Statale"
Europe/Rome timezone

Useful Information


Please keep in mind that you need to upload and check your presentation slides before the respective session starts. All sessions will run on the room computer that uses the Windows operating system, therefore please prepare your slides either in PowerPoint or in PDF (preferred).

Talks will be accessible in the Indico web-page of the Symposium. Please upload your contribution to Indico at least one day before your presentation (you can update it afterwards). Please follow the naming format "#ID_Author_ShortTitle.pdf" for your contribution (e.g., 123_Vercellone_GammaRay.pdf)

For posters, please note that no pins can be used to hang them, kindly ask at the registration desk for tape.

In case of problems or questions, please do not hesitate to email the local organisation committee via gamma2024@inaf.it or contact us at the registration desk.


Eduroam and a dedicated wi-fi network node will be available for the conference.


They will be provided through a catering service at the venue.