9–13 Sept 2024
Turin, Italy
Europe/Rome timezone

The May 2024 flare sequence: a rich opportunity for QPP analysis

12 Sept 2024, 09:55
Turin, Italy

Turin, Italy

Centro Congressi Unione Industriali Torino Via Vela, 17 - 10128 Torino
Talk Multi-scale energy release, flares and coronal mass ejections Multi-scale energy release, flares and coronal mass ejections


Marie Dominique (Royal Observatory of Belgium)


Monster active regions 13663 and 13664 produced not less than 18 X-class solar flares between May 3 and May 15, before rotating out of view from Earth. Despite this, AR 13664 continued to exhibit significant activity, generating numerous events observed by instruments onboard the Solar Orbiter mission. This extraordinary sequence of strong flares not only delighted sky watchers with remarkable auroras but also provides valuable data for the analysis of Quasi-Periodic Pulsations (QPPs).

These flares were recorded by various instruments across multiple spectral ranges and from different vantage points. Some flares were associated with coronal mass ejections (CMEs), filament eruptions, or solar energetic particles (SEPs), and were observed both on-disk and at the solar limb. This dataset presents a unique opportunity to investigate the influence of flare characteristics on QPPs.

In this study, we analyze QPP observations from several solar missions, including GOES, PROBA2, Solar Orbiter, SDO, to investigate if the general trend of QPPs also holds for this serie of very large flares.

Primary author

Marie Dominique (Royal Observatory of Belgium)


Dr Christophe Marqué (Royal Observatory of Belgium / SIDC / STCE) Cis Verbeeck (Royal Observatory of Belgium) David Berghmans (Royal Observatory of Belgium, Solar-Terrestrial Centre of Excellence) Hannah Collier (Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz (FHNW) & ETH Zürich) Laura Hayes (ESTEC, The Netherlands) Dr Laurence Wauters (Royal Observatory of Belgium / SIDC / STCE) Laurent Dolla (Royal Observatory of Belgium, Solar-Terrestrial Centre of Excellence) Sabrina Bechet (Royal Observatory of Belgium) Sam Krucker (FHNW School of Engineering)

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