LGWA meeting: Welcome session and intro talks
- Jan Harms (Gran Sasso Science Institute)
- Roberto Della Ceca (Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica (INAF))
LGWA meeting: Synergies with other lunar missions and EM - GW observatories
- Marica Branchesi (Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica (INAF))
LGWA meeting: Multiband science and observations
- Andrea Maselli (GSSI)
LGWA meeting: Multiband science and observations
- Paola Severgnini (Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica (INAF))
LGWA meeting: Presentation of payload consortium
- Joris van Heijningen (VU Amsterdam / Nikhef)
LGWA meeting: Presentation of payload consortium
- Joris van Heijningen (VU Amsterdam / Nikhef)
LGWA meeting: Binaries with white dwarfs (waveforms, populations, SN 1a, TDE, โฆ)
- Alexey Bobrick (Technion Institute)
LGWA meeting: Binaries with white dwarfs (waveforms, populations, SN 1a, TDE, โฆ)
- There are no conveners in this block
LGWA meeting: LGWA site characterization and selection
- Marco Olivieri (INGV)
LGWA meeting: Lunar science and exploration
- Alessandro Frigeri (INAF)
LGWA meeting: Discussion
- Jan Harms (Gran Sasso Science Institute)