9–13 Sept 2024
Turin, Italy
Europe/Rome timezone

Synthetic Parker Solar Probe Observables of an Idealized Pseudostreamer CME Eruption

10 Sept 2024, 17:55
Turin, Italy

Turin, Italy

Centro Congressi Unione Industriali Torino Via Vela, 17 - 10128 Torino
Talk Multi-scale energy release, flares and coronal mass ejections Multi-scale energy release, flares and coronal mass ejections


Benjamin Lynch (Space Sciences Laboratory, University of California--Berkeley)


Coronal pseudostreamer flux systems have a specific magnetic configuration that influences the morphology and evolution of coronal mass ejections from these regions. Here we present the analysis of a recent, high-resolution magnetohydrodynamic simulation of a CME eruption from an idealized pseudostreamer configuration through the construction of synthetic remote sensing and in-situ observational signatures. We examine the pre-eruption and eruption signatures in the low corona and through the extended corona corresponding to typical EUV imaging and white light coronagraph fields-of-view. We calculate synthetic observations corresponding to several Parker Solar Probe-like trajectories at ~10Rs to highlight the fine-scale structure of the CME eruption in synthetic WISPR imagery and the differences between the in-situ plasma and field signatures of flank and central encounter trajectories. Finally, we conclude with a discussion of several aspects of our simulation results in the context of interpretation and analysis of current and future Parker Solar Probe data.

Primary authors

Benjamin Lynch (Space Sciences Laboratory, University of California--Berkeley) Peter Wyper

Presentation materials