A Large Program at the IRAM 30m Telescope called POLAMI observes since 2007, with a time sampling of ~2 weeks, the four Stokes parameters of the 3.5 and 1.3 mm emission of a sample of ~40 of the brighter sources in the northern sky. This contribution outlines the most salient scientific results obtained from the first detailed analysis of the data on which regards to the structure and magnetic field of the innermos blazar jet regions. In particular, the analysis of the variability of our data implies that shorter mm emission should come from smaller regions with progressively better magnetic field order, one-zone models are de finitely excluded by the general properties of mm polarization of blazars, blazar jets are not compatible with axisimmetric geometries in general on which regards to their polarization emission. Moreover, variable circular polarization emission seems to be present in most blazars at mm wavelengths at levels of ~2% or larger.