28 August 2022 to 1 September 2022
Politecnico di Milano - Polo territoriale di Lecco
Europe/Rome timezone

Time-domain polarimetry with RoboPol

31 Aug 2022, 10:15
Politecnico di Milano - Polo territoriale di Lecco

Politecnico di Milano - Polo territoriale di Lecco

Politecnico di Milano - Polo territoriale di Lecco Via Previati 1/c – 23900 Lecco, Italy


Nikolaos Mandarakas


The Robotic Polarimeter (RoboPol) is a unique optical polarimeter that operates for almost ten years at Skinkas observatory, Crete, Greece. It has no rotating parts and can measure the linear Stokes parameters with a single exposure.
Built primarily to monitor blazars, it has studied their polarization overtime, and has offered valuable insights on the connection of polarization degree and angle variability to gamma-ray flares.
RoboPol instrument also has the capability to respond to targets of opportunity. It has been used to follow-up with optopolarimetric observations the optical afterglow of gamma-ray bursts (GRBs), including the recent, and exceptionally bright, GRB210619B.
I am going to present a brief overview of the RoboPol contribution to time-domain optical polarimetry, highlighting important results and discussing future plans.

Primary author

Nikolaos Mandarakas

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