2–6 Sept 2024
Università di Milano "La Statale"
Europe/Rome timezone

Development of an Imaging Atmospheric Cherenkov Telescope Array for Ultra-High Energy Gamma-ray Astronomy

4 Sept 2024, 15:15
Room 431

Room 431

Oral Parallel 2


Nikolas Korzoun (University of Delaware)


Dozens of gamma-ray sources are now observed to extend their emission up to Ultra-High Energies (UHE, E > 100 TeV). Most of these sources are located along the Galactic Plane and appear largely extended to ground detectors. Imaging Atmospheric Cherenkov Telescopes (IACTs) provide excellent angular resolution and a large effective area, but to build an array which is sensitive to UHE emission would typically be a complex and costly endeavor. However, if the goal is strictly to study the very highest energies (E > 100 TeV), then an array can be constructed with smaller and more affordable telescopes. The Panoramic Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (PANOSETI) team have designed telescopes that meet these requirements and have already been used to image gamma-ray initiated air showers in coincidence with VERITAS. In March 2024, three PANOSETI telescopes were deployed at Lick Observatory, California to collect data and to test analysis tools developed in conjunction with Monte Carlo simulations. Described here is the telescope technology, status of the array, and plans for future deployment.

Primary author

Nikolas Korzoun (University of Delaware)


Aaron Brown (University of California San Diego) Jamie Holder (University of Delaware) Paul Horowitz (Harvard) Wei Liu (University of California Berkeley) Jérôme Maire (University of California San Diego) Elisa Pueschel (Ruhr-Universität Bochum) Nicolas Rault-Wang (University of California Berkeley) Dan Werthimer (University of California Berkeley) James Wiley (University of California San Diego) Shelley Wright (University of California San Diego)

Presentation materials