Poster Session 1.2
- Francesca Zuccarello (Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica (INAF))
Flux ropes are known to be a critical structure in flaring, jet formation and coronal mass ejections. They can be observed in sigmoidal emission structures and are frequently found in magnetic extrapolations. Two leading theories for their formation are the emergence of pre-twisted magnetic structures from the convection zone and formation above the photosphere due to driving motions around...
Recent observations from Parker Solar Probe and Solar Orbiter have emphasised the importance of small and short-lived phenomena in the solar atmosphere. The former has revealed a highly dynamic structure in the solar wind’s magnetic field, which are referred to as switchbacks. The latter has shown small extreme-ultraviolet brightenings in the solar corona, which were labelled campfires.
Various processes have been proposed to explain the heating of loops to coronal temperatures, from braiding of magnetic flux tubes to waves. The relative contribution of different heating mechanisms is yet to be determined.
We study the coupling of a coronal loop to the solar surface and the transport and deposition of energy in different atmospheric layers.
Using 3D MHD simulations with...
Researchers in high-resolution solar physics should have access to research infrastructures that would otherwise be closed to them. That is the goal of the SOLARNET Trans-national Access programme which is funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 programme. The facilities include ground-based solar telescopes on the Canary Islands: GREGOR, SST, THEMIS, and VTT. In addition there is the...
Surges are dynamic, cool and dense ejections typically observed in chromospheric lines and closely related to other solar phenomena like UV-bursts or coronal jets. Even though surges have been observed for decades now, fundamental questions regarding the temperature and density distribution, as well as their connection and impact on upper layers of the solar atmosphere remain open. Our aim is...
On January $18$, $2021$, Solar Orbiter (SolO) and Parker Solar Probe (PSP) were for the first time in a special orbital configuration, that is, in quadrature. At this time when traveling along its orbit very close to the Sun, PSP has been crossing the atmosphere of the Sun at a distance just above $20$ R$_{\odot}$. Because of the continuous expansion of the solar corona, the plasma crossed by...
We present results of the first high cadence image sequence of the Extreme Ultraviolet Imager (EUI) taken on 2020 May 30, when Solar Orbiter was 31.5 degrees in solar longitude separated from Earth & SDO, and at 0.56AU from the Sun. At this distance, the two-pixel spatial resolution of EUI’s High Resolution EUV Telescope (HRIEUV) was 400 km. HRIEUV observed a quiet Sun region and detected...