Sep 6 – 10, 2021
Europe/Rome timezone



Registration is now closed.

Each participant can only submit one abstract as first author. Talks will be delivered live via Zoom. The committee anticipates that not all requests for talks can be accommodated. In such cases, authors will be offered to present a poster. In addition, the committee will offer the option to deliver a short "flash poster" presentation to selected contributions.

The contributions are arranged into three categories: Invited talks, Contributed Plenary Talks and Contributed Parallel Session talks (aka Posters).

Invited Talks will be delivered in plenary sessions by speakers who were requested to present topical overviews. These presentations will last 15 minutes presentation+5 minutes for discussions.

Contributed Plenary Talks will be delivered in plenary sessions and will be 12 minutes presentation+3 minutes discussion.

Poster presentations: posters will be presented in parallel sessions and they will consist of a 7 minute  oral presentation + 5 minutes for discussion+1 minute to change over. If you are a student, please fill in the survey to enter the Student Poster Competition (competition is now closed).

We strongly encourage all to upload your slides and/or any additional material before the meeting! To upload a contribution, go to your abstract page, then click "Go to Contribution" and add presentation file (or any additional) material into . PDF files are strongly recomended.

Poster Presentations with a short talk

All participants whose submissions were classified as “poster contribution” will be given the chance to present their poster in a short oral presentation (Flash presentation) during the “Poster Sessions”, via Zoom.
These presentations aim to inform the audience on the topic of your poster, your research questions, the significance/rationale of your work, data/methods you used in your research and the results of your study. Additionally, your presentation should initiate a discussion following the presentation.
Due to the large number of posters to be presented, authors/presenters will be strictly limited to 7 minutes presentation time. Session chairs will ensure that all presenters respect strictly the allocated presentation time limits. All presentations will be followed by ~5 minutes of live Q/A discussions.

A few guidelines to keep in mind when preparing your poster presentation

  • The poster flash presentations have to be short and concise – just like normal poster presentations.
  • Please focus on the main target of the research/key message - the audience should be stimulated to discuss your topic with you after the session. Put only key messages or figures on your slides; do not overwhelm the audience with too much text/information
  • Please make sure that all movies/animations included in your presentation are properly working
  • The presentations should be around 7 slides long
  • Please use large enough letters so that the audience can easily read the print on your slides
  • Do not include large tables in your slides, summarise your key results rather than presenting large, dense tables
  • Limit yourself to 4-5 bullets per slide
  • Do not forget to add your contact details (name, affiliation, contacts) on your starting page
  • Proofread and spell check your document.

During the meeting

  • On the day of your presentation, you will need to join the Zoom meeting for your session at least 15 minutes prior to the start of the session, so that we can ensure all presenters are ready and in attendance.  The session chair will grant you permission to share your screen before your presentation starts. When you are not presenting in a session, you will be viewing the rest of the conference through the virtual platform.
  • The chairpersons are instructed to require all speakers to adhere to the 7 minutes limit and stop the sharing of your file in case you exceed the given time. You will be warned by the session chair as your time draws to a close
  • Please ensure that you are on camera when giving your presentation as this creates a more engaging environment for those viewing your talk. Please also ensure that you have a working microphone.
  • Do not spend time acknowledging all co-workers, institutes etc. This information is shown on your poster. Focus on your message to attract people to view your poster in the Poster Gallery.
  • If for some reason you cannot give your presentation by yourself, please arrange a co-author to present your work and inform the Organisers as soon as possible, clearly mentioning the presentation ID and title of the abstract.