6–10 Sept 2021
Europe/Rome timezone

The SOLARNET Trans-national Access programme

6 Sept 2021, 11:24


Poster Session 2 - The Solar Atmosphere: Heating, Dynamics and Coupling Poster Session 1.2


Dan Kiselman (Stockholm University)


Researchers in high-resolution solar physics should have access to research infrastructures that would otherwise be closed to them. That is the goal of the SOLARNET Trans-national Access programme which is funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 programme. The facilities include ground-based solar telescopes on the Canary Islands: GREGOR, SST, THEMIS, and VTT. In addition there is the SUNRISE 3 balloon mission, due to be launched in June 2022, and the Piz Daint supercomputer.

I will present the programme, introduce the participating facilities, explain the rules, and discuss the experience so far from the point of view of users and operators. Finally some words on the future.

Primary author

Dan Kiselman (Stockholm University)

Presentation materials