6–10 Sept 2021
Europe/Rome timezone

Simulations of chromospheric heating: progress and challenges

6 Sept 2021, 13:45


Invited talk Session 2 - The Solar Atmosphere: Heating, Dynamics and Coupling Plenary 2


Sanja Danilovic (Stockholm University)


The chromosphere is a very dynamic and complex layer where all the relevant physical processes happen on very small spatio-temporal scales. A few spectral lines that can be used as chromospheric diagnostics, give us convoluted information that is hard to interpret without realistic theoretical models. What are the key ingredients that these models need to contain? It is clear that what shapes the chromosphere and determines how and where the energy is deposited is the magnetic field configuration. In this review, we will discuss the formation and properties of chromospheric structures at different spatial scales. We will give an overview of what our models can reduce and what challenges we face. We will also touch on how chromospheric heating depends on emerging flux.

Primary author

Sanja Danilovic (Stockholm University)

Presentation materials