22–25 Sept 2024
INRiM historical building, Turin
Europe/Rome timezone

WINGs, Installation Sound Performance

Wesdnesday 25 @FLASHBACK HABITAT - Circolino Building

A bar will be open at FLASHBACK HABITAT for ordering food and dinner.


19:30 Talking and Listening on Time Travels and General Relativity with Women in Gravities (WINGs) @Circolino:  


21:00  The Hypnoid Confession of a Nuclear Blast @Circolino

installation with inflatable objects, light, sound, performance


Inspired by the groundbreaking work of Harold Edgerton, a visionary MIT professor who pioneered ultra-high-speed photography, the inflatable sculptures are a materialization of the unimaginable—nuclear explosions—into tangible form. Edgerton developed a pioneering technique, which utilized exposures as short as one-billionth of a second, to capture the fleeting moments of a nuclear detonation, revealing a world previously invisible to the naked eye. As the atomic fireball expands, Edgerton's lens froze the unimaginable—a luminous spectacle of glowing shapes, akin to alien life-forms. The artist has taken these haunting images and translated them into a series of inflatable sculptures, each one a unique interpretation of the explosion's very early stages. The sculptures invite the viewer to engage with the profound and unsettling connection between the innocence of childhood playfulness and the gravity of their origins. Activated by music, spoken word and a live choreographed performance, they draw the viewers into a space where time becomes fluid; the installation embodies a multiplicity of moments—from the ultra-fast micro-events of atomic reactions, the dissociation and absorption of a hypnotic session, to the long-term implications of nuclear explosions that ripple through history. The voice impersonating an atomic blast and the performance around the sculptures challenge us to confront the complexities of our world. This reminds us that even in the aftermath of violence, there can be beauty, and in the heart of destruction, the seeds of creation can take root. In this intricate interplay of art and science, the viewers are invited to reflect on the profound connections that bind us to the cosmos, and the fragile yet resilient nature of life itself.



Sculptures: Anetta Mona Chișa

Voice: Monica Clare Mills

Music: Oldřich Šemerák

Performer: Teresa Noronha Feio

Coordinaton: Mariateresa Crosta


How to reach FLASHBACK HABITAT from the conference venue:

Corso Giovanni Lanza 75, 10131 Turin




  • Anetta Mona Chișa is a visual artist based in Prague. She works with sculpture, video and text to create works that explore the transformation of environments or technologies, their politics and materiality. Her solo exhibitions and projects done in collaboration have been presented in institutions like Kunsthalle Bratislava, Anca Poterasu Gallery Bucharest, n.b.k. Berlin, GAK Bremen, TIC gallery Brno and the Romanian Pavilion at the Venice Biennale among others. She has exhibited in numerous group shows across the world, from Rudolfinum Gallery Prague, Sprengel Museum Hannover, Cukrarna Ljubljana, Art in General New York, Lunds Konsthall Lund, Bozar Brussels, KINDL Berlin, MoCA Miami, MIGROS Museum Zurich, MuMoK Vienna, The Power Plant Toronto, Schirn Kunsthalle Frankfurt, to Taipei and Moscow Biennials among others.


  • Mariateresa Crosta  is a senior researcher at Italian National Institute for Astrophysics. Heer main research field is the gravitational metrology applied to astrophysics, to Local Cosmology, kinematics/dynamics/structure of Galaxy, tests on General Relativity and alternative theories of gravity, relativistic effects in the inverse light ray tracing problem, gravitational waves, fundamental physics tests in space and spacetime navigation. Since 2000 she is engaged in the Gaia space astrometric mission of the European Space Agency (ESA, launched in 2013), whose main task is to construct a general relativistic map of the Galaxy. She created the interdisciplinary event "The Time Machine Factory [unspeakeable, speakable]" in collaboration with INRiM and University of Turin (Dep. of Mathematics G.Peano). She institued many multidisciplinary  projects  within the context of the Gaia mission as its legacy with old astronomy, and many cultural/human aspects of modern astrophysics (for that she adopted the term "stellar anthropology"). Astronomy was fundamental to measure Time. Nowadays, Space Astrometry is completely dominated by General Relativity since stellar light travels in space-time and it represents the only physical link from the observer to any kind of star.  


  • Teresa Noronha Feio dancer, choreographer and researcher.

    Graduated as a performer at Fontys Dansacademie (Netherlands) in 2010. She has collaborated with various choreographers, such as: Einat Tuchman, Paul Blackman, Ornella D'Agostino, Tino Seghal and Vânia Gala for whom she works either as performer and assistant, and in 2024, collaborated in Passa Folhas, a performance for the Portuguese Pavilion, in Venice Biennale. Moving to Italy in 2013 ,Teresa's works crosses the contemporary circus, dance and performance scenes. She’s co-founder of Fabbrica C and later on of the contemporary circus network Cordata F.O.R.Her main interest lays on research and expansion of knowledge, creating, thus, and managing Puntata Zero, a research workspace dedicated to Italian based circus artists. As an author, Teresa develops, as developed transdisciplinairy work all around Europe, supported by Lavanderia a Vapore and Piemonte dal Vivo. She seeks in her choreographic practice the idea of a tattooed body, understood as a body-container marked by the lived experience and the aesthetic, historical and social constructions.


  • Antonia Frassino holds a PhD in Theoretical Physics from Goethe University, Frankfurt (Germany), where she graduated in 2016, certified by the Helmholtz Research School H-QM. Her expertise lies in gravitational physics, including the study of  black holes and their theoretical and phenomenological aspects. She has an extensive academic background, including a postdoctoral position at the Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies, a Swiss Excellence fellowship at Geneva University, and a postdoctoral fellowship at the University of Barcelona. She is currently an assistant professor at the University of Alcalá (Madrid) and a Marie Curie Fellow at SISSA (Italy).


  • OldRich Semerák works at Institute of Theoretical Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University in Prague. Mainly interested in gravitation, general theory of relativity, astrophysics and cosmology, he is the author of numerous papers on sources of strong gravity and on motion of test particles in relativistic space-times. Currently he focuses on teaching general relativity in Prague. Being “hereditarily” interested in music and arts, OldRich has presented many musical pieces at SoundCloud. His track “How many attempts left?” inspired the performance for Prague Planetarium choreographed and performed by ballet dancers from National Theatre in Prague.


  • Ana Alonso-Serrano obtained her PhD at Complutense University of Madrid and since then she has worked at Victoria University of Wellington, Charles University of Prague, and Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics where she moved thanks to an Alexander von Humboldt Fellowship. Currently, she has a grant at Humboldt University in Berlin. Her research is focus in the interface of gravitational physics and quantum theory, having followed different lines related to cosmology, wormholes, black holes and thermodynamics of spacetime among others. She is also committed to science communication and to promote diversity and inclusion in science.