22–25 Sept 2024
INRiM historical building, Turin
Europe/Rome timezone

Temporal witnesses of non-classicality and conservation laws

25 Sept 2024, 11:05
Vallauri Hall (INRiM historical building, Turin)

Vallauri Hall

INRiM historical building, Turin

Corso Massimo d'Azeglio, 42, 10125 Torino TO


Giuseppe Di Pietra (University of Oxford)


A general entanglement-based witness of non-classicality has recently been proposed, which can be applied to testing quantum effects in gravity. This witness is based on generating entanglement between two quantum probes via a mediator. We provide a "temporal" variant of this witness, using a single quantum probe to assess the non-classicality of the mediator. Within the formalism of quantum theory, we show that if a system $M$ can induce a coherent dynamical evolution of a quantum system $Q$, in the presence of a conservation law, then $M$ must be non-classical. We shall explore the possibility of interpreting this temporal witness of non-classicality as the equivalent of generating entanglement in time between the single probe $Q$ before and after the evolution mediated by $M$, provided that a global quantity is conserved in the evolution. This creates a temporal parallel to the previously proposed entanglement-based witness of non-classicality, offering intriguing perspectives on locality in time and the connections between quantum correlation in space and time. Moreover, this argument supports witnesses of non-classicality relying on a single quantum probe, which can be applied to several open issues, notably in quantum gravity or quantum biology.

Primary author

Giuseppe Di Pietra (University of Oxford)


Dr Chiara Marletto (University of Oxford)

Presentation materials