22–25 Sept 2024
INRiM historical building, Turin
Europe/Rome timezone

Relativistic tunneling and attempts at superluminal signaling

25 Sept 2024, 09:00
Vallauri Hall (INRiM historical building, Turin)

Vallauri Hall

INRiM historical building, Turin

Corso Massimo d'Azeglio, 42, 10125 Torino TO


Randy Dumont (McMaster University)


Numerical solutions of the Dirac equation show that, post-selected for tunneling, relativistic electrons can exhibit transit time distributions with a peak corresponding to superluminal effective velocity. However, a non-negligible effect is seen only when tunneling probability is very small. If one attempts to send a signal using many electrons to compensate for the low tunneling probability, a distribution of signaling times is obtained with superluminal effective speed. However, we find that the signal always arrives slightly earlier if carried by the same number of photons traveling in a vacuum. The effective superluminality that is seen results from the uncertainty in the initial particle - electron or photon - position.

Primary author

Randy Dumont (McMaster University)

Presentation materials