22–25 Sept 2024
INRiM historical building, Turin
Europe/Rome timezone

Time machines, teleporters, and quasiregular singularities

25 Sept 2024, 15:10
Vallauri Hall (INRiM historical building, Turin)

Vallauri Hall

INRiM historical building, Turin

Corso Massimo d'Azeglio, 42, 10125 Torino TO


Dr Justin Feng (CEICO, Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences)


In this talk, I review the Deutsch-Politzer spacetime, the related teleporter spacetime, and the quasiregular singularities necessarily present in such spacetimes. Such singularities, characterized by points with multiple future-directed and past-directed light cones, are generalizations of conical singularities and can reveal insights into topology change and the termination point of an evaporating black hole horizon. I then describe a gravity theory that can in principle provide a microscopic description for such singularities.

Primary author

Dr Justin Feng (CEICO, Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences)

Presentation materials