Sep 8 – 13, 2019
Europe/Rome timezone
All inquiries about receipts for the payment of the conference fee and/or dinner should be addressed to:,


The "X-Ray Astronomy 2019" Conference will be held in Bologna (Italy) from September 8th to September 13th, 2019, in the Conference hall of the Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR) in Via Gobetti 101.

In order to enter the CNR area, you have to cross a gate and show the conference badge

The CNR in Bologna is located within the heart of the newly established Bologna Astrophysics Campus, which includes:
- INAF-Osservatorio di Astrofisica e Scienza dello Spazio (INAF-OAS)
- INAF-Istituto di Radioastronomia (INAF-IRA) hosting the Italian ALMA Regional Center (Italian ARC)
- Department of Physics and Astronomy (Astrophysics sector) of the University of Bologna (DIFA-UNIBO)
- Cerenkov Telescope Array (CTA) Headquarters
all within walking distances and shared facilities.

Altogether, the four institutes host about 150 staff researchers, ~40 post-docs, ~25 PhD students, ~200 students of the Laurea degrees in "Astronomy" and "Astrophysics and Cosmology" and ~50 administrative staff. This makes the "Bologna Astrophysics Campus" the biggest Astrophysics campus in Italy and one of the biggest in Europe.

The CNR and Astrophysics campus are located in the northern part of Bologna, on the other side of the railway with respect to downtown Bologna. Here is a map of the venue,  with respect to the train station, bus station and downtown.


How to reach CNR Convention center

By public transport, BUS
There are 2 buses with final stop at the CNR (in front of the conference venue). The stop is called "Rotonda CNR".

BUS 37: running every 15' with stops in via Irnerio near to via Mascarella (stop "Irnerio"), Piazza VIII Agosto (stop "Sferisterio"), and via Indipendenza close to the train station (stop "XX Settembre Autostazione")
BUS 87: running every 30' with stops in via Marconi close to via Lame (stop "Marconi"), via dei Mille close to Piazza dei Martiri (stop "Mille") and via Indipendenza close to the train station (stop "Autostazione").

The bus ride is ~15-20 minutes from the city center.

There is also another  bus with stop ~5 minutes from the the conference venue. The stops is called "Beverara".
BUS 30: running every 10' with stops in the city center, behind Piazza Maggiore (stops "Tribunali", "Farini", "piazza Malpighi") and then "Marconi" and "Stazione Centrale".
The bus ride is ~20 minutes from Piazza Malpighi.
From the stop "Beverara" you have to go towards the parco Lungo navile, cross a pedestrian bridge and you will reach the CNR entrance

By bike:
MOBIKE : Bologna has a very efficient service of bike-sharing. MOBIKE bikes can be found everywhere in the city center and there is a MOBIKE parking spot right in front of the CNR gate. It is a short (10-15 minutes ride) from the city center, mostly on bike paths. The ride is 0.70 euro for 30 minutes. There is a very convenient pass for 9.90 euro with unlimited rides valid for 30 days.

By car
CNR is best reachable by public transportation. If needed, there is limited parking in the CNR area. Just put on the navigator "Via Piero Gobetti 101, 40129 Bologna"
From the motorway: take the Bologna Arcoveggio exit, follow the MAP until via Gobetti.  Once in via Gobetti go straight ahead until you see a roundabout (see here). You are arrived.
From the ring road: take exit n. 5 (LAME), follow the MAP until via Gobetti. Once in via Gobetti go straight ahead until you see a roundabout (see here). You are arrived.

CORRENTE: Bologna has a also a very efficient and convenient service of car-sharing, CORRENTE, with electric cars, which you may consider to reach the CNR area from the city center.