Among High Mass X-ray Binaries, accreting from the stellar wind of its massive OB star companions, there is a growing number of systems in which a magnetized neutron star harboring magnetic fields beyond the quantum critical limit (B>10^13 G) is required to explain the observational properties. Such Accreting Magnetars have been invoked to explain Supergiant Fast X-ray Transients and, more recently, ULXs. However, their existence would challenge the current theories on NS structure and evolution and how NS are born. In this talk I would present recent research on some accreting magnetar candidates, their observed properties, what they tell us about the circumsource environment and the current state of the subject. Prospects for observations with future X-ray missions will also be discussed.
Affiliation | Universidad de Alicante |
Topic | Compact and diffuse sources in galaxies and in the Galactic Center |