8–13 Sept 2019
Europe/Rome timezone
All inquiries about receipts for the payment of the conference fee and/or dinner should be addressed to: a.vriz@fondazionealmamater.it, d.bordignon@fondazionealmamater.it

Multi-wavelength observations of tidal disruption flares

9 Sept 2019, 14:30


Sjoert van Velzen (NYU)


The tidal disruption of a star by a massive black hole is a rare event that results in a spectacular flare of electromagnetic radiation. Visible from radio to X-ray wavelengths, tidal disruption flares are a unique probe to study massive black holes and the nucleus of their host galaxies. The advent of optical transient surveys has accelerated this field; the increased detection rate has fueled a large number of (often unexpected) discoveries. However the origin of optical emission from tidal disruption events is currently unknown; observations at X-ray wavelengths will be key to solve this puzzle.

Affiliation NYU
Topic Multi-messenger and transient astronomy

Primary author

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