2–6 Sept 2024
Università di Milano "La Statale"
Europe/Rome timezone

Gamma-ray counterpart searches to neutrino astrophysical sources with the Cherenkov Telescope Array Observatory: simulations and performance studies

4 Sept 2024, 08:15
Poster Poster hang


Dr Manuela Mallamaci (University Palermo and INFN Catania, Italy)


Gamma-ray counterparts to astrophysical neutrino sources is a topic of big interest, being the contemporary observation of both these messengers a smoking gun for cosmic-ray production.
The Cherenkov Telescope Array Observatory (CTAO) will be the next major observatory in the Very High Energy gamma-ray band. Based on the imaging atmospheric Cherenkov technique, it will reach unprecedented performances with respect to the current generation of instruments. In particular CTAO will be a leading observatory of the gamma-ray transient sky, given both its sensitivity at short timescales and its rapid repointing system, with a very fast slewing to and from anywhere in the observable sky of the order of 1 minute.
In this work, we explore CTAO performances combined with capabilities of current and future neutrino observatories, like IceCube and Km3NeT.
In particular, we investigate the CTAO ability to detect gamma-ray counterparts to neutrino simulated extragalactic sources, by exploiting the open-source simulation software called FIRESONG. Two types of populations are considered: steady sources and transient “flaring blazar-like” ones . Neutrino simulations are selected by considering IceCube and Km3NeT discovery potentials. The CTAO performance under different configurations and array layouts is finally computed, giving the detection probability of gamma-ray counterparts for both CTAO sites.

Primary authors

Alberto Rosales de Leon (Sorbonne Université & Observatoire de Paris) Prof. Anthony Brown (Durham University) Prof. Giovanni Marsella (University of Palermo and INFN Catania, Italy) Gloria M. Cicciari (University of Palermo and INFN Catania, Italy) Dr Manuela Mallamaci (University Palermo and INFN Catania, Italy)


Chun Fai Tung (Georgia Institute of Technology) Dr Giovanna Ferrara (University of Catania and INFN Catania, Italy) Ignacio Taboada (Georgia Institute of Technology) Konstancja Satalecka

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