2–6 Sept 2024
Università di Milano "La Statale"
Europe/Rome timezone

VERITAS Observations of New LHAASO Sources

5 Sept 2024, 14:05
Aula Magna

Aula Magna

Oral Parallel 1


Matthew Lundy (McGill University)


The first LHAASO catalogue has provided many new VHE/UHE sources and potentially new classes of sources that are primed for exploration with IACTs. The improved sensitivity at low energies ( E < ~1 TeV) and angular resolution of IACTs make them the ideal instruments to help associate and perform spectro-morphological studies of these newly discovered sources. Most of these sources serendipitously lie in regions coincident with archival VERITAS observations; we have already collected hundreds of hours of data on 19 new VHE sources. In this talk we will present some preliminary results from an archival study of this coincident data, as well as discuss some of the challenges these sources pose to IACT follow-up.

Primary author

Matthew Lundy (McGill University)

Presentation materials