Two recent classical novae, V1723 Sco (2024) and V6598 Sgr (2023), were detected by the Fermi-LAT. V1723 Sco is one of the brightest novae observed to date by the LAT, providing a two-week window for detection. The extensive Fermi observations of V1723 Sco, complemented by a rich multi-wavelength dataset including NuSTAR and VLA, enable precise constraints on various parameters of the emission model. On the other hand, despite its brief duration, V6598 Sgr exhibited a unique spectral shape. Interestingly, V6598 Sgr is coincident with a persistent source previously detected by INTEGRAL (IGR J17528-2022) and proposed as an intermediate polar. We will discuss the MWL characteristics of these gamma-ray novae in the light of other novae detected by the LAT, following a unified analysis strategy using the latest Fermi-LAT Pass 8 data, and present constraints derived on the particle acceleration mechanisms.