2–6 Sept 2024
Università di Milano "La Statale"
Europe/Rome timezone

FACT - AGN Monitoring and Target-of-Opportunity Observations

4 Sept 2024, 08:41
Poster Poster hang


Daniela Dorner (Universität Würzburg)


The First G-APD Cherenkov Telescope (FACT) is observing gamma-ray sources at TeV energies. Thanks to its unbiased observation strategy, silicon-based photosensors and remote and automatic operation, it features ideal conditions both for monitoring and target-of-opportunity observations. This results in an unprecedented data sample of more than 15000 hours of physics data including monitoring of bright AGN and follow-up observations of more than 65 multi-wavelength and multi-messenger alerts.

This data sample not only allows for information on the gamma-ray emission of the alerts followed up, but also for the correlation study between gamma rays and other messengers thanks to the unbiased monitoring.

The presentation summarizes results of the AGN monitoring programm, correlation studies and the follow-up of multi-messenger alerts from more than ten years of observations at TeV energies.

Primary authors

Bernd Schleicher (ETHZ) Daniela Dorner (Universität Würzburg)


Presentation materials