2–6 Sept 2024
Università di Milano "La Statale"
Europe/Rome timezone

Gamma-rays from quasi-spherical explosions

4 Sept 2024, 08:01
Poster Poster hang


Wlodek Bednarek (University of Lodz)


Some classes of transient sources (e.g. Novae or Kilonovae) can be at first approximation well modeled by quasi-spherical explosions in which central hot objects are surrounded by fast expanding shells. We assume that processes in the shells can turn to the acceleration of relativistic electrons which are able to comptonize soft radiation from the central object. We calculate the time dependent gamma-ray emission expected in such model applying parameters observed in the above mentioned transient sources.

Primary author

Wlodek Bednarek (University of Lodz)


Mr Piotr Witczak (University of lodz)

Presentation materials