HITS 2022 - Hi Intensity Mapping in Trieste

Institute for Fundamental Physics of the Universe (IFPU)

Institute for Fundamental Physics of the Universe (IFPU)

Via Beirut, 2, 34151 Trieste TS
Stefano Camera (UniTo), Isabella Paola Carucci (UniTo), Marta Spinelli (Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica (INAF)), Matteo Viel (SISSA)

Radio telescopes such as MeerKAT, and in the future SKA, can map the large-scale structures using Intensity Mapping techniques for the 21 cm line. A key challenge is the subtraction of the bright foregrounds, order of magnitude stronger than the 21cm signal. It is, therefore, crucial to
assess through simulations the performance of foreground cleaning in realistic scenarios, improving
both the sky model and the telescope characterization.  This Focus Week at IFPU will be the ideal framework to address these tasks of the SKA Intensity Mapping Focus Group and to discuss new simulation strategies and data analysis techniques.

  • Alkistis Pourtsidou
  • Andrej Obuljen
  • Brandon Engelbrecht
  • Caroline Guandalin
  • Francesco Sinigaglia
  • Gabriella De Lucia
  • Giulio Scelfo
  • Jingying Wang
  • José Fonseca
  • Junaid Townsend
  • Laura Wolz
  • Maria Berti
  • Mario Santos
  • Pascal Hitz
  • Paula Soares
  • Pierluigi Monaco
  • Ricardo Landim
  • Sara A. Safari
  • Siyambonga Matshawule
  • Steven Cunnington
  • Stuart Harper
  • Tianyue Chen
  • Yichao Li
  • Zhaoting Chen
    • 9:15 AM
      Welcome from the Organisers IFPU (Aula D)

      IFPU (Aula D)

    • 1
      HI Intensity Mapping: from pathfinder data analysis to future surveys preparation IFPU (Aula D)

      IFPU (Aula D)

      online speaker

      Speaker: Alkistis Pourtsidou
    • 2
      A potential HI IM project with Chinese space VLBI telescopes IFPU (Aula D)

      IFPU (Aula D)

      online speaker

      Speaker: Jingying Wang
    • 11:00 AM
    • 3
      Interferometric HI Intensity Mapping with the MeerKAT MIGHTEE Survey IFPU (Aula D)

      IFPU (Aula D)

      Speaker: Junaid Townsend
    • 4
      Interferometric Intensity Mapping in Low-Redshift Universe IFPU (Aula D)

      IFPU (Aula D)

      Speaker: Zhaoting Chen
    • 1:00 PM
    • 5
      Overview of the FG Challenge projects IFPU (Aula D)

      IFPU (Aula D)

      Speaker: Marta Spinelli (Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica (INAF))
    • 6
      Model independent constraints on clustering and growth of cosmic structures from Intensity Mapping IFPU (Aula D)

      IFPU (Aula D)

      online speaker

      Speaker: Alessio Suriano
    • 7
      Discussion: Status of the Pk/Cl project IFPU (Aula D)

      IFPU (Aula D)

      Speakers: Isabella P. Carucci, Steve Cunnington
    • 8
      Power spectrum Multipoles IFPU (Aula D)

      IFPU (Aula D)

      Speaker: Maria Berti
    • 9
      Fisher forecasts for the MeerKLASS survey IFPU (Aula D)

      IFPU (Aula D)

      online speaker

      Speaker: José Fonseca
    • 11:00 AM
    • 10
      Gravitational waves x HI intensity mapping: cosmological and astrophysical applications IFPU (Aula D)

      IFPU (Aula D)

      Speaker: Giulio Scelfo
    • 11
      Power spectrum multipole and foreground cleaning IFPU (Aula D)

      IFPU (Aula D)

      Speaker: Paula Soares
    • 1:00 PM
    • 12
      Baryon acoustic oscillations from HI intensity mapping: the importance of cross-correlations in the monopole and quadrupole IFPU (Aula D)

      IFPU (Aula D)

      online speaker

      Speaker: Andrea Rubiola
    • 13
      Discussion: Transfer Function and Foreground Cleaning IFPU (Aula D)

      IFPU (Aula D)

      Speakers: Isabella P. Carucci , Steve Cunnington
    • 14
      Systematics-robust foreground subtraction using machine learning IFPU (Aula D)

      IFPU (Aula D)

      Speaker: Tianyue Chen
    • 15
      Eliminating Primary Beam Effect in Foreground Subtraction of Neutral Hydrogen Intensity Mapping Survey with Deep Learning IFPU (Aula D)

      IFPU (Aula D)

      online speaker

      Speaker: Yi-Chao Li
    • 11:00 AM
    • 16
      COMAP data reduction IFPU (Aula D)

      IFPU (Aula D)

      Speaker: Stuart Harper
    • 17
      Review of the MeerkLASS proposal and current status IFPU (Aula D)

      IFPU (Aula D)

      online speaker

      Speaker: Mario G. Santos
    • 1:00 PM
    • 18
      Satellite contamination on MeerKAT HI Intensity Mapping IFPU (Aula D)

      IFPU (Aula D)

      Speaker: Brandon Engelbrecht
    • 19
      Discussion: simulating systematics IFPU (Aula D)

      IFPU (Aula D)

      Speakers: Jingying Wang, Stuart Harper
    • 4:00 PM
    • 20
      Hands-on session for satellite code IFPU (305)

      IFPU (305)

      Speaker: Brandon Engelbrecht
    • 21
      Painting HI onto the dark matter field for mock catalogs generation IFPU (Aula D)

      IFPU (Aula D)

      Speaker: Francesco Sinigaglia
    • 22
      H I constraints from the cross-correlation of eBOSS galaxies and Green Bank Telescope intensity maps IFPU (Aula D)

      IFPU (Aula D)

      online speaker

      Speaker: Laura Wolz
    • 11:00 AM
    • 23
      Calibrating photometric redshifts with the galaxy-IM cross-bispectrum IFPU (Aula D)

      IFPU (Aula D)

      Speaker: Caroline Guandalin
    • 24
      Modeling HI at the field level IFPU (Aula D)

      IFPU (Aula D)

      Speaker: Andrej Obuljen
    • 1:00 PM
    • 25
      Joint with LSS meeting - MeerKAT HI intensity mapping cross-correlations with overlapping galaxy surveys IFPU (Aula D)

      IFPU (Aula D)

      Speaker: Steve Cunnington
    • 3:00 PM
    • 26
      Euclid mocks and systematics IFPU (Aula D)

      IFPU (Aula D)

      Speaker: Pierluigi Monaco
    • 27
      Discussion: Synergies and covariances IFPU (Aula D)

      IFPU (Aula D)

      Speaker: Stefano Camera
    • 8:00 PM
      Social Dinner - La Terrazza
    • 28
      Wrap-up discussion IFPU (305)

      IFPU (305)

      Speaker: Organisers
    • 11:00 AM
      IFPU Colloquium - Luigi Guzzo IFPU (Aula D)

      IFPU (Aula D)