Scientific instruments
- Paolo Brenni
There are numerous scientific instruments scattered in museums, scientific institutions, schools and private collections in Italy and throughout the world, which bear the signature of the Lusvergh family. This distinctive family, originally from Munich, settled in Rome around the middle of the seventeenth century and worked there from father to son until the first half of the nineteenth...
L'astrolabio e’ stato per molti secoli lo strumento principale per lo studio del cielo, sia come strumento di calcolo sia come strumento di osservazione. A partire dagli anni 30 del secolo scorso sono stati fatti vari tentativi di compilare un inventario degli strumenti esistenti al mondo. I più recenti studi sono stati dedicati agli strumenti costruiti in India ed a quelli di origine...
This communication presents four mid-16th-century planetary models found during an investigation, started in 2015, on a 19th-century composite apparatus of Physics objects and machines that is now part of the Musei Civici di Vicenza collection.
Planetary models were tools used to represent the Cosmos according to the Ptolemaic system, and each one of them was designed to show the movements...
The “Garbasso” building housed the Institute (later Department) of Physics of the University of Florence from 1921 to the early 2000s. It was built on the hill of Arcetri, close to the Astronomical Observatory and to the Villa that many years earlier had hosted Galileo in the final phase of his life.
Among many research activities developed here during almost the entire 20th century, the...