Astronomy and card-games: between education and science popularization (XVIIIth-XIXth century)

9 Sept 2021, 14:50


Ampollini, Ilaria (IHMC/Paris 1)


In 1790, the Abbé Paris signed the cards game Elements d'astronomie et geographie, which five years later was translated and published in London by John Wallis, a famous books, maps and games seller. The contribution aims at analysing the contents of the game and the astronomical information provided (both through the images and texts) to the players, but also the way the game was changed from the French to the English edition. It will be discussed how these modifications, introduced by Wallis, should be interpreted. Finally, a fundamental question will be addressed, that is, what place in the history of education and in the history of science popularization should be accorded to this game and, more in general, to science-themed cards and board games conceived and printed in the Early Modern Age.

Primary author

Ampollini, Ilaria (IHMC/Paris 1)

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