XLI National Congress of the Italian Society for the History of Physics and Astronomy
In view of the large number of submitted abstracts and organized session, the conference has been extended by one day: the 41st yearly Congress of the Italian Society for the History of Physics and Astronomy (SISFA) will be held mostly online on September 6-9, 2021. However, we plan to have a few in-person sessions and a limited number of attendees (up to a max of 25 people in full compliance of the COVID-19 restrictions). Those who are interested to attend the event are requested to send an e-mail to the SISFA Secretary, Prof. Roberto Mantovani (roberto.mantovani@uniurb.it) by August 31th 2021.
The Congress
The Meeting is one of a well-established series that SISFA has been organizing on a yearly basis since its foundation. It aims at promoting the research activities in the history of physics and astronomy in Italy, carried out not only by academic historians but also by independent scholars and school teachers willing to explore the role of the history of physics and astronomy in the present-day teaching of the disciplines. At the same time, the Meeting provides an opportunity to strengthen the collaborations and establish new links among the members of SISFA and the members of other scholarly societies, as well as researchers working in the same and in related fields.
Historians of physics and astronomy are then invited to participate and the invitation is extended to all the scholars and researchers sharing the same kind of interests.
The Meeting will host both invited talks and oral communications. The official languages will be both Italian and English.
The Premio di Laurea SISFA 2021 for the Best Graduate Thesis in History of Physics and/or History of Astronomy will be awarded during the SISFA 2021 Congress.
Proposals for oral communications should mainly address the history of physics and astronomy, also in connection with the related areas of mathematics, chemistry and the history of science and culture. Studies focusing on historical instruments and documentary sources regarding the mentioned fields are also relevant to the purposes of the Congress, as well as the applications of the history of physics and astronomy in science education and in museum displays.
Special events
In connection with the conference it will be possible to visit the Exhibition DANTE 700: Esposizioni dell’orologeria al tempo di Dante ed I suoi sviluppi, at MuMec, Arezzo. http://www.sisfa.org/notizie-eventi/il-tempo-al-tempo-di-dante/
Topical sessions
The year 2021 marks a number of important anniversaries for the history of physics and astronomy in Italy. The 700th anniversary of Dante Alighieri’s death will be honored with a session dedicated to the astronomical and mechanical knowledge in the XIII and XIV centuries. Special sessions in the history of astronomy will celebrate the 450th anniversary of Johannes Kepler’s birth, the 400th anniversary from the publication of the last tomes of Kepler’s Epitome Astronomiae Copernicanae as well as the 350th anniversary of the death of Italian Jesuit astronomer Giovanni Battista Riccioli. A special session dedicated to the history of nuclear and particle physics will be organized to remember a number of events including the 120th anniversary of Enrico Fermi’s birth and the 100th anniversary from the birth of Bruno Touschek. A special thematic session will focus on the connections between science education and the history of physics and astronomy as well as on the scientific museums in Italy. The program will include a special session dedicated to the celebration of the 40th anniversary from the first conference that would later lead to the establishment of the SISFA.
Outline of the Congress
The Congress will host invited talks and communications. The official languages are Italian and English.
Important Note
To submit an abstract, use your INDICO or IDEM account. If you do not have one, request it by writing: for the SISFA Congress. It will be quickly activated.
Per sottomettere un abstract, usa il tuo account INDICO o IDEM. Se ne fossi sprovvisto, richiedilo scrivendo: Per il congresso SISFA. Ti sarà attivato rapidamente.