Environmental effects play a primary role in galaxy evolution and in
particular in shaping the star formation history of galaxies in groups
and even more so in dense environments.
The MUSE IFU has allowed to study in detail how environmental effects
act in shaping galaxy properties, its limitation being essentially the
spatial resolution that can be reached using ground-based
instrumentation. Similarly, the physical properties of galaxies and
of their star forming clumps can be studied only out to small
distances before being hampered by the seeing effects. The advent of
AO assisted instrumentation, such as MAVIS at VLT, will allow to
overcome this difficulty, leading to a huge step forward in the
comprehension of how galaxy evolve in different environments.
In this talk I will present what we have learned in this field thanks
to the GASP MUSE survey and how we propose to use MAVIS to shed light
on the open questions.