Plenary 3
- Ioannis Kontogiannis (Leibniz-Institute for Astrophysics Potsdam (AIP))
The outer atmosphere of the Sun, the corona is comprised of tenuous, highly ionized plasma, that is governed by magnetic fields and is heated to more than a million Kelvin. Such hot coronal plasma is thought to be powered by numerous impulsive heating events called nanoflares. What drives these impulsive nanoflares? What role does magnetic field play in coronal heating? We address these...
At 3.8°, the field of view (FOV) of the Full Sun Imager (FSI) on Solar Orbiter is by far wider than that of any previous solar EUV imager. Depending on the distance of the probe to the Sun along its orbit, this corresponds to 14 to 4 solar radii, to be compared to the 3.5 Rs of STEREO/EUVI or Proba2/SWAP. This very large field of view opens up a new discovery space into a region largely...
Small scale vortices in the solar atmosphere have received increasing attention in recent years. They are ubiquitous at photospheric and chromospheric levels and are a viable candidate mechanism for the exchange of waves, energy, and mass with the upper solar atmosphere.
In order to identify and study the dynamics of these vortices, we seek a suitable mathematical criterion for which an...
MHD avalanches involve small, intensely localized instabilities that spread across neighbouring regions in a magnetic field.
Cumulatively, many small events release vast amounts of stored magnetic energy.
Straight cylindrical flux tubes, in Parker (1972)'s model of coronal loops, are liable to such avalanches: one unstable flux tube can cause instability to proliferate through reconnection,...
Parker Solar Probe (PSP) and Solar orbiter have made a number of important discoveries in its exploration of the inner heliosphere/outer corona. Their observation of ubiquitous large amplitude Alfvénic fluctuations, regardless of solar wind speed, in all wind streams except for narrow areas surrounding the heliospheric current sheet, together with large s-shaped inversions of the magnetic...