6–10 Sept 2021
Europe/Rome timezone

Flares Associated with Slowly Positively Drifting Bursts Observed in 800-2000 MHz

9 Sept 2021, 11:39


Poster Session 4 - From Radio to Gamma Rays: Near-Sun Manifestations and Triggering of Solar Flares and Coronal Mass Ejections Poster Session 10.4


Dr Alena Zemanova (Astronomical Institute, Czech Academy of Sciences)


The slowly positively drifting bursts (SPDBs) can occur as a single burst or as a group and its frequency drift is usually less than 300 MHz s^-1. The origin of these burst is unknown and they are observed quite rarely. In our Ondrejov radiospectrograph archive we found up to 10 events during the period 2012-2015 and they are connected with flares. We picked 3 flares for the study. As the radio spectrum does not provide us spatial information, we inspected imaging data from SDO/AIA, in combination with RHESSI and GOES observations to find common features of flares associated with SPDBs.

Primary authors

Dr Alena Zemanova (Astronomical Institute, Czech Academy of Sciences) Dr Marian Karlicky (Astronomical Institute, Czech Academy of Sciences) Dr Jana Kasparova (Astronomical Institute, Czech Academy of Sciences)

Presentation materials