6–10 Sept 2021
Europe/Rome timezone

Multi-resolution inversion of solar chromospheric data

8 Sept 2021, 12:18


Poster Session 2 - The Solar Atmosphere: Heating, Dynamics and Coupling Poster Session 6.1


Adur Pastor Yabar (Stockholms universitet)


The solar chromosphere is critical in our understanding of the solar atmosphere energetics but poses important challenges both in observations and theoretical considerations. From an observational point of view, the number of spectral lines probing this layer are scarce and fall far apart (from UV to NIR). In this same direction, of special interest is the submilimiter continuum, whose different dependence with temperature as compared to the spectral lines, makes it an excellent observing asset. Thus, simultaneous observations of some of these regions typically involve the usage of disparate spatial resolutions.

In this contribution we present first results of a new inversion method applied to chromospheric analysis that consistently handles the effect of different spatial resolution and/or spatial sampling. This is done solving the inversion problem for the whole FOV at once and including in it the various spatial transformations and PSFs of each spectral range as linear transformations.

Primary author

Adur Pastor Yabar (Stockholms universitet)


Dr Jaime de la Cruz Rodriguez (Stockholm University)

Presentation materials