Miscellaneous: II
- Filomena Bufano (Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica (INAF))
Jellyfish galaxies display long tails of gas that was removed from their stellar disks through a process known as ram pressure stripping. These objects represent a fast transition phase between star-forming and post-starburst/quiescent galaxies. Using spatially resolved spectroscopic information, one can trace this evolution by identifying quenched regions in jellyfish galaxies and studying...
We present the Galaxy Spectra Network/GaSNet-II, a supervised multi-network deep learning tool for spectra classification and redshift prediction. GaSNet-II can be trained to identify a customized number of classes and optimize the redshift predictions. Redshift errors are determined via an ensemble/pseudo-Montecarlo test obtained by randomizing the weights of the network-of-networks...