Time domain: I
- Filomena Bufano (Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica (INAF))
Short timescale radio-transient events provide a signature of extreme astrophysical phenomena. They are often associated with radio emitting neutron stars and Fast Radio Bursts and have been theorised to be emitted by merging black holes and neutron stars. However, discovering these single pulses is computationally challenging and often does not use all available information when selecting...
Broad-absorption line quasars (BAL QSOs) are those that present strong absorption troughs in their spectra. These are associated with powerful winds and outflows that can reach widths of ≥2000 km/s and velocities of ≥0.1c. These outflows can trigger significant active galactic nuclei (AGN) feedback processes, which play a crucial role in the evolution of their host galaxies. So far, the...