10–14 Jun 2024
INAF - Observatory of Rome
UTC timezone

Exploring the Galactic content in s-process elements with space and ground-based spectroscopic surveys

11 Jun 2024, 12:10
Sala Gratton (INAF - Observatory of Rome)

Sala Gratton

INAF - Observatory of Rome

Via Frascati 33, 00040 Monte Porzio Catone


Patrick de Laverny (Observatoire de la Côte d'Azur, Dpt. Lagrange)


The Galactic content in s-process neutron-capture elements is still poorly known and the chemical evolution of these species are frequently debated.
Fortunately, thanks to Gaia/GSP-spec cerium and neodynium abundances at the surface of thousands stars, the chemical content of the Galaxy in these two second peak s-elements has been recently explored.
This has been complemented by lead chemical abundances (third peak s-element) in several hundreds stars derived within the AMBRE Project.
The Galactic chemical trends of these heavy species will be presented as their interpretation thanks to chemical evolution models. We will also discuss the contribution of AGB stars to the chemical evolution of these s-process elements in the Milky Way.

Primary author

Patrick de Laverny (Observatoire de la Côte d'Azur, Dpt. Lagrange)

Presentation materials