Jun 10 – 14, 2024
INAF - Observatory of Rome
UTC timezone

 We are pleased to announce that the XIV edition of the Torino Workshop will take place at the Observatory of Rome (Italy), in the week 10-14 June, 2024.  

The conference, along the tradition of the previous editions of the Torino workshop, will be  focused on the physics and nucleosynthesis of asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stars and on several related topics. The meeting will offer a valuable opportunity to discuss the state of the art of AGB, post-AGB and super AGB modelling, the impact of current and future experimental efforts, above and below ground, to determine the rates of the relevant charged-particle and neutron-capture reactions, as well as the role of these stars in the chemical evolution of the Milky Way and other galaxies. The possibilities offered by present and oncoming observational facilities (such as JWST, VLT, LAMOST, ELT etc.), the study of dust formation in the wind of evolved stars and the meteoritic dust measurements, hot topics in the field of theoretical and nuclear astrophysics will be also addressed. 

The scope of the workshop is to bring together researchers from a variety of research fields, to address the current issues, and to discuss the future directions by interdisciplinary approaches. The conference program will include a series of oral presentations and poster sessions.



INAF - Observatory of Rome
Sala Gratton
Via Frascati 33, 00040 Monte Porzio Catone
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Scientific Organizing Committee:

Carlos Abia (University of Granada, Spain)

Sachiko Amari (Washington University, USA)

Maurizio Busso (University of Perugia, Italy)

Flavia Dell'Agli (INAF - Observatory of Rome, Italy) (co-Chair)

John Lattanzio (Monash University, Australia)

Maria Lugaro (Konkoly Observatory, Hungary)

Sara Palmerini (University of Perugia, Italy)

Marco Pignatari (Konkoly Observatory, Hungary)

René Reifarth  (Goethe University Frankfurt)

Oscar Straniero (INAF - OAAb and INFN, Italy)  (co-Chair)

Michael Wiescher (Institute for Structure and Nuclear Astrophysics, USA)

Local Organizing Committee:

Roberta Carini (INAF - Observatory of Rome, Italy)

Marco Castellani (INAF - Observatory of Rome, Italy)

Flavia Dell'Agli (INAF - Observatory of Rome, Italy)

Marco Faccini (INAF - Observatory of Rome, Italy)

Marco Tailo (University of Bologna, Italy)

Vincenzo Testa (INAF - Observatory of Rome, Italy)

Paolo Ventura (INAF - Observatory of Rome, Italy) (Chair)