Jun 10 – 14, 2024
INAF - Observatory of Rome
UTC timezone

Prize for young researchers

Torino Workshop on AGB stars Prize for young researchers

It is our pleasure to announce the "Torino Workshop on AGB stars Prize for young researchers". This prize is meant to encourage and support the career of a young scientist who is providing a remarkable and most interesting contribution in the fields of research of AGB stars.
The Committee, composed by Prof. Sachiko Amari, Prof. Inma Dominguez and Prof. Maurizio Busso, will choose among the eligible candidates attending the Conference, on the basis of the material submitted. The Prize is open to Ph.D. students and to researchers, who have obtained a Ph.D. not earlier than 2021. A possible extension of one year (not earlier than 2020) due to leave of absence (e.g., maternity, accident) is considered if a statement of the reasons for the leave is included in the application.

How to apply
The participation of all young people attending the Conference and meeting the criteria given above, is welcome. Interested candidates are kindly requested to apply by sending the following material to 14torinoworkshop@gmail.com, with "Torino Workshop Prize" as object. The deadline is May 22nd.

Material to be included in the application:

- Name, Surname, affiliation. For Ph.D students, please indicate which year of Ph.D. you are attending. For postdocs, please indicate the year of your PhD discussion

- A statement establishing the merits of the work to be honoured. This should emphasise the contribution provided by the candidate in the field of AGB stars (max. 3600 characters)

- CV of the candidate

- One publication to be evaluated by the Committee

- A statement explaining for a leave of absence, if relevant

- A short citation that could be used in case of an award