May 15 – 19, 2023
Università degli Studi di Camerino - Auditorium Benedetto XIII - Via Le Mosse, 99, 62032 Camerino MC
Europe/Rome timezone
Le nuove frontiere dell'astrofisica moderna e il ruolo nazionale

Review talk Raggi Cosmici

Not scheduled
Auditorium Benedetto XIII (Università degli Studi di Camerino - Auditorium Benedetto XIII - Via Le Mosse, 99, 62032 Camerino MC)

Auditorium Benedetto XIII

Università degli Studi di Camerino - Auditorium Benedetto XIII - Via Le Mosse, 99, 62032 Camerino MC

Via Le Mosse, 99, 62032 Camerino MC


Dr Nicola Tomassetti


Cosmic rays are a fascinating and enigmatic form of high-energy extraterrestrial radiation. Recent advances in energy spectra and composition measurements of cosmic rays have brought us to a deep understanding of the origins and properties of these particles.
In this talk, I will review the recent results on cosmic-ray detection, with a focus on space based experiments. I will discuss the interpretations of the new results, their impact on other astronomical disciplines, their implications for our understanding of cosmic ray sources, acceleration, and propagation in the Milky Way. I will also address the challenges for future experiments of direct detection of cosmic rays, and how they can contribute to resolving the outstanding questions in the field.

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