28–30 Oct 2019
Firenze, Palazzo dei Congressi
Europe/Rome timezone

Commissioning status of the new NGS WFS for GeMS

30 Oct 2019, 10:40
Firenze, Palazzo dei Congressi

Firenze, Palazzo dei Congressi

piazza Adua 1


Benoit Neichel (ONERA)


GeMS is the multi-conjugate adaptive optics facility in operation at Gemini South since 2013. It uses 5 laser guide stars WFSs and one up to 3 NGSs for low order correction. Recently, the AO facility of GeMS has been upgraded with a new NGS WFS to increase sky coverage, improve efficiency and ease of use. I will present in this talk the concept of NGS2, a focal plane WFS using an EMCCD camera that allows fast readout of small region of interest for TT and plate scale mode corrections. I will then present the benefit of this NGS sensor compared to its previous generation and finally a preliminary comparison and performance assessment obtained with GeMS using NGS2.

Primary authors

Benoit Neichel (ONERA) Gaetano Sivo ( Gemini Observatory)

Presentation materials