Oct 28 – 30, 2019
Firenze, Palazzo dei Congressi
Europe/Rome timezone

Call for Abstracts

  • Opening day
  • Submission deadline

Wavefront sensing in the VLT/ELT era, 4th edition, Firenze

Adaptive optics systems are nowadays a key component of all large astronomical ground based telescopes including the currently developing Extremely Large Telescopes (ELTs). The ultimate performances of an Astronomical Adaptive Optics system are determined in most of the cases by the performance of their wavefront sensors. High angular resolution observations planned at the largest existing observatories and forthcoming ELTs and supported by AO systems aims for contrast of 10ˆ-7, astrometric precision of the order of tens of uarcsec, large diffraction limited corrected FoV of several arcminutes and operating wavelength down to 0.5 um. Dealing with such demanding science goals require in depth and innovative studies of the WFS capabilities and limitations. The workshop aims to get senior and young researchers together to asses a picture of the state of the art and future forefront work in the wavefront sensing for AO field. To this aim we encourage especially young students (doc and post-doc) to present their on-going work and to exchange with senior scientists. Contributions are envisaged to deal with a variety of topics and a non-exhaustive list is reported below:

  • WFS strategies: WFS calibration strategy and online optimization, IR and VIS Wavefront Sensing
  • Classical/Extreme AO WFS: First stage WFS (SCAO / XAO) - new concepts, new ideas, new implementations, Post focal WFS / dark holes, Telescope effects: residual cophasing, pupil segmentation, vibrations, etc ...)
  • Wide FoV WFS: LGS WFS, Open loop specificities, Low-Order WFS and truth sensing
  • From concepts to components : recent advanced in detector technologies (VIS and IR)

We therefore invite the community, and especially the youngest generation, to convey in Florence from October 28th to October 30th 2019 to the 4th edition of the WFS workshop, to review and discuss the above mentioned topics to contribute to advancing the wavefront sensing field in Astronomical Adaptive Optics. The workshop will be held at the Palazzo dei Congressi located in the Florence city center at walking distance from all the most famous monuments.

Looking forward to see you in Florence,
S. Esposito, T. Fusco, B. Neichel


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The call for abstracts is closed.