Dual Active Galactic Nuclei (DAGN, projected spatial separation rp < 100 kpc) are sources of great interest in astrophysics, since they are crucial to understand how AGN are triggered. However, DAGN are rare, and identify and characterize such sources is challenging and multi-waveband observations and analysis are needed. At early stage of separation (rp ∼ 30 − 100 kpc), we can exploit X-ray data available so far to identify DAGN, while at the closest separations (rp < 30 kpc) most of the sources are not resolved in the X-ray band and indirect methods must be used (such as a Double- Peaked [OIII]λ5007Å line profile). Here, I present a first characterization of an X-ray selected sample of ∼ 360 DAGN candidates obtained with XMM-Newton and Chandra observations, up to rp ∼ 100 kpc, and the analysis of a sample of 22 optically selected Double-Peaked AGN. I will present the X-ray and optical study of the sample, and derive intrinsic emission properties (such as Luminosity and nuclear absorption) to be compared with those observed in isolated AGN.
sessioni congresso | Astrofisica relativistica e particellare |