Astronomical observatories are the oldest scientific institutions in Italy. They preserve a remarkable heritage of star atlases, planetary cartography, selenography and cometography. These volumes are works of rare beauty that blend art, mythology and science. Within the INAF cultural heritage, the collection of celestial atlases plays a noteworthy role in the history of astronomy and modern culture as a whole.
With this project, we have identified a relevant group of rare and valuable atlases and books showing a clear vision of the evolution of scientific knowledge of the universe. The atlases have been studied and digitized; then the scientific catalogue Cosmic Pages and the virtual exhibition: Look Up! were made. Furthermore, in collaboration with Save the Children-Italia, we have developed educational workshops for children living in the most socially vulnerable Italian urban areas. Finally, we produced the documentary Touch Sky, the first one realized by INAF, programmed by Rai Cultura on national channels and offered on its digital platform.
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