IFPU Focus Week - Galactic Archaeology: reconstructing the history of galaxies

Aula D (IFPU, Trieste, Italy)

Aula D

IFPU, Trieste, Italy

Via Beirut, 2

Galactic archaeology aims at reconstructing the history of formation and evolution of our Galaxy as well as the history of external galaxies. We are now in a golden era for this field of research thanks to the advent of large spectroscopic Galactic surveys such as APOGEE, Gaia-ESO, Gaia DR3  and GALAH. We are also in the era of James Webb Space Telescope, that will allow us to obtain more precise information about the chemistry in distant galaxies and better understand the formation and evolution of galaxies in general. In this context, we will address open topics in the field of Galactic archaeology, from the Milky Way to high redshifts. The goal of this focus week is to bring together experts in this field of research to finalize ongoing projects and foster new collaborations in Galactic archaeology.

The meeting will take place at IFPU Trieste, Aula D in the former SISSA building. Istructions to reach IFPU: https://www.ifpu.it/how-to-reach-us/