The reaction 22Ne(α,γ)26Mg is associated with several questions in nuclear astrophysics like the Mg isotope ratio in stellar atmospheres and its competition with the neutron source 22Ne(α,n)25Mg.
Due to very low stellar energies and therefore very low cross section, direct experiments have been only able to provide upper limits below a strong resonance at 832 keV.
The purpose of the EASγ...
The reaction 22Ne(a,n)25Mg is a nuclear reaction of critical importance for a variety of astrophysical scenarios. While much effort has been devoted on the study of the low energy cross section through indirect measurements, direct cross section and resonance measurements have been severely hampered by the low event rate.
This problem is currently being approached at the Bellotti Ion Beam...
When stars approach the red giant branch, a deep convective envelope develops and the products of the CNO cycle appear at the stellar surface. In particular, the $\rm ^{17}O$ is enhanced in RGB and AGB stars. Then, spectroscopic analyses of O isotopic ratios of these stars provide a powerful tool to investigate the efficiency of deep mixing processes, such as those powered by convective...