We are pleased to announce the workshop “AVENGe - Advances in Very-High Energy Astrophysics with Next-Generation Cherenkov Telescopes", that will be held at Sala Conferenze Cappuccini in Rome (Italy) on May 29-31, 2023.
The Workshop aims to build or improve the synergies between the different science groups belonging to INAF, INFN and Universities in view of the preparation of the Observational Key Science Projects for the CTA. To this end, both summary and contributed talks covering the main hot topics in VHE astrophysics are foressen as well as dedicated discussion at the end of each presentation block.
The main topics covered by the workshop are:
- Galactic and extragalactic extreme cosmic accelerators
- VHE transients follow-up from GRBs to GW and Neutrino counterparts
- Pevatrons and their origin
- Dark Matter and Fundamental Physics with VHE gamma ray
- New ideas for future gamma-rays facilities and multi-messenger synergies
- The role and contribution of Italian community to CTA/CTA+
No registration fee is required.
A meeting dinner is foreseen for May the 30th (to be paid individually by participants)
Registrations are opened until 2023, May 25
See you in Roma!