3–4 Nov 2022
San Pietro in Vincoli, Università La Sapienza, Rome
Europe/Rome timezone

Pandemic, infodemic. Que reste-t-il?

4 Nov 2022, 17:20
San Pietro in Vincoli, Università La Sapienza, Rome

San Pietro in Vincoli, Università La Sapienza, Rome

Via Eudossiana, 18, 00184 Roma


Marco Ferrazzoli (CNR)


The emergence of the Sars-Cov-2 virus on a global scale has amplified fragilities, catalyzed social, cultural and economic changes, generated rapid, massive and uncontrolled circulation of information, and challenged the role of science: infodemia, of which fake news is only one form. Tones of the narrative recall those of war; new or forgotten words have become commonplace; numbers of contagions, deaths, cures polarize attention; we are bewildered by conflicting, non-authoritative voices. What remains of the first pandemic in the time of social media; how do we rethink the relationship between those who do research and those who communicate it; will we know how to deal more consciously with future emergencies?

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