5–7 Sept 2022
Astronomical Observatory of Rome
Europe/Rome timezone

Thematic talk: Diffusive Shock Acceleration in Galactic Winds: Multimessenger prospects

7 Sept 2022, 11:15
Astronomical Observatory of Rome

Astronomical Observatory of Rome

Via Frascati, 33 - Monte Porzio Catone - Roma (Italy)


Enrico Peretti (Niels Bohr Institute)


Starburst Galaxies (SBGs) and Active Galactic Nuclei (AGNi) can launch and sustain powerful outflows of very high velocity and large opening angle.
Such winds develop a bubble structure characterized by an inner wind shock and an outer forward shock.
During the time the forward shock expands in the surrounding medium, the inner wind shock quickly decelerates while remaining strong, thereby creating ideal conditions for stationary particle acceleration.
We model the diffusive shock acceleration process at the wind shock of such winds and we explore the multimessenger implications in terms of high energy photons, neutrinos and escaping cosmic rays.

Primary author

Enrico Peretti (Niels Bohr Institute)

Presentation materials